Mechanical Dragons

If it is all to come again,

then how could it be different?

It has happened as it will;

That is the boon with which we gave our souls,

Thinking, stability could only mean good.

Our souls scream from deep

Within cages, they see the writings

On the walls.

The rust peeling away the skin of these bars shows us

Stability is nothing but a

Prolonged damnation.

Most of the old Gods who put us here have died.

Only the rusted bonds in which

we were placed remind us

of their once

Omnipotency, now dust.

If even the lives of immortals is not eternal,

How can eternity be asked of our own

manufactured stagnation?

It, too, shall rust; dust to dust.

Some of us, sitting on the far side

of these cages

have been made content

with the knowledge that

at least it was not us who were trapped.

But even if you do not exist within the cage,

The cage is still there.

Thinking outside of the box is automatically limited

By some unnecessary need to begin with a box.

As the rust continues to gnaw

at the mechanical bones of our primordial dragon,

I am struck

with the role of memory.

As one world comes to an end

and infinite others begin

a memory serves, simple, and sweet,

to show us in one-thousand-and-one

individualized lives, the only thing which

truly gave us growth.

The only thing which would inevitably

destroy us if we removed it.

The final required ritual

for those of us outside,

is the continual pouring of love

onto these bonds.

So they, too, will return:

Dust to dust.

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